On 05/17/2016 09:17 PM, Thomas Caputi wrote:
> The last feature is the actual data and metadata encryption. All data
> in an encrypted dataset is stored encrypted on-disk. User-provided
> metadata is also encrypted, but metadata structures have been left
> plain so that scrubbing and resilvering still works without the keys
> loaded. Most of the design comes from this article
> (https://blogs.oracle.com/darren/entry/zfs_encryption_what_is_on).
> There are a few important distinctions, however. For instance, I store
> the encryption IV in the padding of blkptr_t instead of in its third
> DVA. I also have L2ARC encryption implemented, which Oracle did not
> have at the time.

Sorry for the noob question: what does this mean in plain English, from
a privacy standpoint?  What sort of information is leaked to an attacker
gaining possession of a powered-off drive containing these structures?


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