> On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:56 AM, esamorokov <esamoro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All, 
>     My name is Evgeny and I have 3 x 3TB in RAIDZ1, where one drive is gone 
> and I accidentally 
>     screwed the other two. The data should be fine, just need to revert 
>     uberblock in point of time, where i started doing changes. 

I agree with Jordan, mostly. However, there a way to know for sure…
each label has a set of uberblocks. Use “zdb -lu” to see this information.
If you can find a matching set of uberblocks for the right pool on enough 
then it is possible, though not guaranteed, that you can get enough of a pool
to recover. OTOH, if the set does not include enough common uberblocks, then
you know the end has come.
 — richard

>     I AM KINDLY ASKING FOR HELP! The pool had all of the family memories for 
> many years Thanks in advance! 
>     I am not a FreeBSD guru and have been using ZFS for a couple of years, 
> but I know Linux and do some programming/scripting. 
>     Since I got that incident I started learning the depth of the ZFS, but I 
> definitely need help on it at this point. 
>     Please don't ask me why I did not have backups, I was building backup 
> server in my garage, when it happened 
> History: 
>     I was using WEB GUI of FreeNas and it reported a failed drive 
>     I shutdown the computer and replaced the drive, but I did not noticed 
> that I accidentally disconnected power of another drive 
>     I powered on the server and expanded the pool where there only one drive 
> of the pool was active 
>     Then I began to really learn ZFS and messing up with bits 
>     At some point I created a backup bit-to-bit images of the two drives from 
> the pool (using R-Studio) 
> Specs(ORIGINAL): 
>     OS: FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE (FREENAS.amd64) #0 r+2315ea3: Fri Dec 20 12:48:50 
> PST 2013 
>     RAID:   [root@juicy] ~# camcontrol devlist 
>     <ST3000DM001-1CH166 CC29>          at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass1,ada1) 
>     <ST3000DM001-1CH166 CC29>          at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (ada2,pass2) 
>     <ST3000DM001-9YN166 CC4H>          at scbus3 target 0 lun 0 (pass3,ada3) 
>     [root@juicy] ~# zdb 
> zh_vol: 
>     version: 5000 
>     name: 'zh_vol' 
>     state: 0 
>     txg: 14106447 
>     pool_guid: 2918670121059000644 
>     hostid: 1802987710 
>     hostname: '' 
>     vdev_children: 1 
>     vdev_tree: 
>         type: 'root' 
>         id: 0 
>         guid: 2918670121059000644 
>         create_txg: 4 
>         children[0]: 
>             type: 'raidz' 
>             id: 0 
>             guid: 14123440993587991088 
>             nparity: 1 
>             metaslab_array: 34 
>             metaslab_shift: 36 
>             ashift: 12 
>             asize: 8995321675776 
>             is_log: 0 
>             create_txg: 4 
>             children[0]: 
>                 type: 'disk' 
>                 id: 0 
>                 guid: 17624020450804741401 
>                 path: '/dev/gptid/6e5cea27-7f52-11e3-9cd8-d43d7ed5b587' 
>                 whole_disk: 1 
>                 DTL: 137 
>                 create_txg: 4 
>             children[1]: 
>                 type: 'disk' 
>                 id: 1 
>                 guid: 3253299067537287428 
>                 path: '/dev/gptid/2b70d9c0-8e40-11e3-aa1c-d43d7ed5b587' 
>                 whole_disk: 1 
>                 DTL: 133 
>                 create_txg: 4 
>             children[2]: 
>                 type: 'disk' 
>                 id: 2 
>                 guid: 17999524418015963258 
>                 path: '/dev/gptid/1e898758-9488-11e3-a86e-d43d7ed5b587' 
>                 whole_disk: 1 
>                 DTL: 134 
>                 create_txg: 4 
> State summary of the drives/pool:
> State #1      State #2        State #3        State #4        State #5
> ada1 (ada1p2) OK      OK      DISCONNECTED    CONNECTED (OLD POOL)    CLONED 
> to a new drive, Prev. state
> ada2 (ada2p2) OK      OK      OK      OK (new Pool)   CLONED to a new drive, 
> Prev. state
> POOL)       CLONED to ada4, Prev. state
> ZH_VOL (pool) OK      DEGRADED        DESTROYED       RECREATED       
> Previous State
> Specs (CURRENT):
> root@juicy] ~# camcontrol devlist 
> <Patriot Pyro SE 332ABBF0>         at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (ada0,pass0)
> <ST3000DM001-1ER166 CC25>          at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (ada1,pass1)
> <ST3000DM001-1ER166 CC25>          at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (ada2,pass2)
> <ST3000DM001-9YN166 CC4H>          at scbus3 target 0 lun 0 (ada3,pass3)
> <ST3000DM001-1ER166 CC26>          at scbus5 target 0 lun 0 (ada4,pass4)
> <Marvell 91xx Config 1.01>         at scbus11 target 0 lun 0 (pass5)
> [root@juicy] ~# zdb
> zh_vol:
>     version: 5000
>     name: 'zh_vol'
>     state: 0
>     txg: 1491
>     pool_guid: 10149654347507244742
>     hostid: 1802987710
>     hostname: 'juicy.zhelana.local'
>     vdev_children: 2
>     vdev_tree:
>         type: 'root'
>         id: 0
>         guid: 10149654347507244742
>         create_txg: 4
>         children[0]:
>             type: 'disk'
>             id: 0
>             guid: 5892508334691495384
>             path: '/dev/ada0s2'
>             whole_disk: 1
>             metaslab_array: 33
>             metaslab_shift: 23
>             ashift: 12
>             asize: 983564288
>             is_log: 0
>             create_txg: 4
>         children[1]:
>             type: 'disk'
>             id: 1
>             guid: 296669430778697937
>             path: '/dev/ada2p2'
>             whole_disk: 1
>             metaslab_array: 37
>             metaslab_shift: 34
>             ashift: 12
>             asize: 2997366816768
>             is_log: 0
>             create_txg: 1489
> Thnks in advance!
> Evgeny.
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