André wrote:
"Have you looked at the EditTag (in mmbase cvs
speeltuin)? With it you can edit the nodes and
fields (little subcloud) on a page. In some
conversations with people we talked about (also)
using a XML to get some more flexibility in using
the editors with which you try to edit the
content the EditTag provides.

Maybe you have some ideas how we should let the
EditTag provide editors with xml? And maybe the
editor you are thinking of can use the same tag?
Discussion about which attributes it should have
etc. is still open."

Hi André,

the problem for me lies with standard HTML, so implimentations based on it
are part of that problem.  When there are complex relationships, it's easy
to get lost, difficult to validate relationships, impossible to validate a
cloud or a composite object that is formed from relationships.

Flash offers scripts which allow for socket communications using an XML
exchange, so it seems like it's scalable in terms of solving the problem.
It's also scalable quite easily in terms of front-end logic and allows for
complex data structures, making life easier and easier when trying to do
difficult things with editwizards - javascript just gets harder and harder
at this point.

If we use our imagination a little, the entire relationships structure could
be presented to the user, complete with 4 degrees of movement (ie scrolling
panels), metadata loaded for applying business rules, real-time data
exchange with the server, full validation - ie. all aspects of the data, and
it can do groovy visuals too :-)

I see it as part of the content as well, not just an admin tool, but a
mechanism to capture data for web applications which are more than just
websites.  In this case, being visually scalable is important.

I'd like to attempt the solution myself, but would like suggestions on the
architecture, design, data structure for the meta-builder, etc.


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