
It seems to contain some useful functionality, but I have no idea who
is currently responsible for it.

It seems that many of the classes are already somehow copied to CMSC
modules (lucene?), or even to mmbase.util classes (e.g.
CloudThreadLocal., CloneUtil).

The more or less important 'mmbase-module' maven plugin seems to be
also maintained there, which it has become essential to build MMBase
HEAD. So I'd say
its code should also be secured in the MMBase CVS itself.

Anyhow the documentation about how to obtain the source code via CVS
does not seem to be up to date any more, so I don't really know how to
obtain sources. I suppose sourceforge uses svn now.

Who does know more about this? And what can we do about it? The
current situation seems less than ideal to me.


mihxil' http://meeuw.org
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