On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 16:29, Ernst Bunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello
> I am currently creating (or rather: trying to) a maven build for the
> vpro-wizards. I understand that
> an mmbase-module will have to be created if you want to install it into the
> example-webapp. But i can not figure out how it is done.
> another thing is that the mmbase-module should be expanded a little bit, to
> allow for tag files to be part of it.
> What i would like is that tag files belonging to a module (residing in
> <basedir>tagfiels> should be installed as:
> WEB-INF/tagfiles/<module-name>/...

I'd suggest to include the tagfile in the jar, which would rid you of
this problem. You check them in in a directory META-INF then. Sadly
the URL of the taglib then changes. ,but it's nothing a global
search/replace can't easily fix.

That's the only thing  have to add about the matter, I don't quite
know how it works with installing mmbase-module's either.


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