On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:20, Ernst Bunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the tag files. So a bit of work there. Perhaps the tag files could be
> moved into the jar.

That would be the most obvious solution. Several applications and
contributions  already do that. Most noticeably, the mmbase-taglib
itself includes a few tagfiles.

It is a sad thing that the URI of taglibrary then changes, so i find
my self maintaining two uri's in jsps I use for testing a tagfile
library (one pointing to WEB-INF/tags, one to the jar). Did not find a
solution for that yet.

> What's missing: documentation mostly, and tld's would be nice for
> editor support. As a side project I am working on a tool that can
> generate tld's from tag files. But that's not finished yet, and i
> don't know when this could be ready. It is a lot of tedious work to
> manually create those files, and then to maintain them.

Why is that so tedious? It is actually very little work. You only have
to _mention_ the tag-file in the tld, and it works. I may assume that
you don't create a new tag-file so very often. Indeed tag-files
support a way to include also documention for itself and for its
attributes, and I have no idea how to convert that to actual
documentation, besided hand-crafting a tool. But surely something most
exist already, for that.

> So, let me know what you think.

I would have no objections. To be included in the nightly (and
distribution) build, and hence the maven repository, it should build
with maven1.1,  though.


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