Hi James

Forget that, I was having a moment of madness about the ax32.exe processes. :)


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 02 June 2010 10:12
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

As always thank you very much Malcolm for sharing your insights J

Will try to get this counter setup J

I was not aware that were other AX32.exe processes running on the AOS server
(I thought these were client side only) . I will go take a snoop around to
find these when I have sometime

Thanks again


 On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 02 June 2010 16:39
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James

You can monitor the "Private Bytes" perfmon "Process" counter for the
Ax32Serv.exe process. If that starts to approach 2GB then you know you're
heading for a crash.

I'm not sure that you can be that limited with your memory. Sure the AOS
process itself can only address 2GB but then there are also Ax32.exe
processes for each connected client and they'll need memory of their own
and, of course, the OS is consuming some memory.


<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com> ] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 01 June 2010 08:04
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Malcolm once again

Just wondering is there any counter or tool to monitor memory usage in a
specific process (i.e. AX32Serve.exe)? Monitoring the total memory or
available is going to be a little tough I feel

Also just to add is this 2GB limit still in AX2009?
And does this mean having 4 GB RAM is all you need for an AOS server (given
you can't use more than 2GB and another 2GB for OS should be sufficient)?


-----Original Message-----
<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 30 May 2010 01:56
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James

The AX AOS will crash as it approaches 2GB of memory use and its likely that
performance would degrade as it nears this upper limit. It could be that you
have uncovered a memory leak in AX which might account for this but it could
also be that you just have too many users that run memory hungry processes
at the same time and simply need another AOS to spread the load. You could
use performance monitor to track memory use over time to see if you can get
a better handle on whther it is a leak or you could simply grab a new kernel
(there are some memory leak fixes in newer kernels as I've been dealing with
a leak problem for one of my clients over the last couple of months and the
signs are good that the latest kernel has resolved the problem for them.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager
Touchstone Ltd
<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf Of James Flavell
[djf1...@gmail.com<mailto:djf1994%40gmail.com> <mailto:djf1994%40gmail.com>
Sent: 25 May 2010 13:18
Subject: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi everyone

We have an AX4.0 SP2 with kernel 4.0.2503.953

Today the user reported very slow performance and the AOS crashed later on

When we looked in the event viewer there was an error:

Object Server 01: RPC error: RPC exception 14 occurred in session 3

This was logged maybe 50 to 100 times in a single second every second!!!

I searched but could find no mention of RCP 14 error anywhere (including
partner source)

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this error or similar kind of mass
logging in the event viewer every second?

Also I heard the Ax4.0 AOS is likely to crash when the Ax32Serv.exe process
reaches around the 2GB limit. Has anyone heard about this?



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