Thanks for taking your valuable time to respond.

But my query is why the new objects are moving to VAP layer instead of VAR 

Though your suggestion to move an element into a lower layer is very good and 

--- In, "mrsdebug" <axa...@...> wrote:
> To move an element into a lower layer: (from VAP to VAR)
> In developement: 
> Export the element with ID's
> If it is a table you want to change, you will have to export data first, as 
> the data may be deleted if you syncronise. 
> Delete the element from VAP:
> In order to delete VAP layer element, you may have to start i VAP layer. Add 
> '-aol=VAP' on the shortcut. 
> Close the AX VAP layer session. 
> New session AX in VAR layer.
> Import elements with ID's
> Import data, if you made an export. 
> Deploy VAR layer to test enviroment and prod as usual, remember to delete VAP 
> layer and the AOI file.
> If you dont deply as layers you will have to repeat the above method - 
> exporting the elements. 
> Hope this made sense?
> --- In, "satyakejriwal" <satyakejriwal@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > We are using Ax 3.0 with oracle 9i database and project has gone live just 
> > few months back. We are having 3 environment (development, testing and 
> > production) and all the development has done in VAR layer. Recently we are 
> > facing the problem in development application where development work is 
> > saved into VAP layer even though we are working on VAR (its already set in 
> > the Axapta configuration utility). 
> > 
> > When we try to delete this VAP development then system is throwing error 
> > and not allow to delete the object. 
> > 
> > I have read in the axapta help file where the range has been mentioned for 
> > the VAR layer development (30001-39999). I have created one table in this 
> > application and its created with the id no (31728) and subsequently the 
> > next no is assigned to the object Map. When i tried to created any 
> > Form,Report and view then system saved these objects into VAP layer. We 
> > have to release some new functionality therefore the same would require the 
> > development and currently our development application is down due to this 
> > issue.
> > Can anybody help for this?
> >

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