But does MS provide support to 3.0 still?

--- On Tue, 9/7/10, Tavita Maanaima <tav...@yahoo.co.nz> wrote:

From: Tavita Maanaima <tav...@yahoo.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [development-axapta] Re: New objects moving to vap layer 
To: "development-axapta@yahoogroups.com" <development-axapta@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 2:16 AM



      Sounds like you may have an issue with your license file? I would report 
this to your MS Partner to log with MS.

On 04/09/2010, at 12:15 AM, "satyakejriwal" <satyakejri...@gmail.com> wrote:



> Thanks for taking your valuable time to respond.


> But my query is why the new objects are moving to VAP layer instead of VAR 
> layer.


> Though your suggestion to move an element into a lower layer is very good and 
> practical.


> --- In development-axapta@yahoogroups.com, "mrsdebug" <axa...@...> wrote:

> >

> > 

> > 

> > To move an element into a lower layer: (from VAP to VAR)

> > 

> > In developement: 

> > Export the element with ID's

> > 

> > 

> > If it is a table you want to change, you will have to export data first, as 
> > the data may be deleted if you syncronise. 

> > 

> > Delete the element from VAP:

> > In order to delete VAP layer element, you may have to start i VAP layer. 
> > Add '-aol=VAP' on the shortcut. 

> > 

> > Close the AX VAP layer session. 

> > 

> > New session AX in VAR layer.

> > Import elements with ID's

> > Import data, if you made an export. 

> > 

> > Deploy VAR layer to test enviroment and prod as usual, remember to delete 
> > VAP layer and the AOI file.

> > 

> > If you dont deply as layers you will have to repeat the above method - 
> > exporting the elements. 

> > 

> > 

> > Hope this made sense?

> > 

> > --- In development-axapta@yahoogroups.com, "satyakejriwal" <satyakejriwal@> 
> > wrote:

> > >

> > > We are using Ax 3.0 with oracle 9i database and project has gone live 
> > > just few months back. We are having 3 environment (development, testing 
> > > and production) and all the development has done in VAR layer. Recently 
> > > we are facing the problem in development application where development 
> > > work is saved into VAP layer even though we are working on VAR (its 
> > > already set in the Axapta configuration utility). 

> > > 

> > > When we try to delete this VAP development then system is throwing error 
> > > and not allow to delete the object. 

> > > 

> > > I have read in the axapta help file where the range has been mentioned 
> > > for the VAR layer development (30001-39999). I have created one table in 
> > > this application and its created with the id no (31728) and subsequently 
> > > the next no is assigned to the object Map. When i tried to created any 
> > > Form,Report and view then system saved these objects into VAP layer. We 
> > > have to release some new functionality therefore the same would require 
> > > the development and currently our development application is down due to 
> > > this issue.

> > > Can anybody help for this?

> > >

> >



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