Same for OpenSuse

2012/6/25 Peter Kümmel <>

> On 19.06.2012 14:31, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > moin,
> >
> > the buildsystem branch of qtbase is currently being integrated. this is
> > ~120 commits worth of qmake&  project file fixes and cleanups. there are
> > some changes to how modularization (in particular configure tests) is
> > handled, and cross-building should be supported without hacks finally.
> >
> > the immediate impact:
> > - lots of build scripts which employ various hacks will instantly
> >    break. don't panic and (mostly) just delete some code from them.
> >    use
> >        configure -xplatform<spec>  -sysroot<root>
> >        make
> >    as you would intuitively expect. don't play tricks with funny qmake
> >    and make invocations.
> > - the other modules will spit out lots of warnings now.
> >    *DON'T* do anything about them for now. i have patches prepared for
> >    all modules already. i will explicitly add the module owners to the
> >    reviews. *don't* stage anything yourself.
> >    once my patches are through, there will be still some warnings left.
> >    you'll be invited to fix them at this point.
> > - some build configurations will work even worse than before until
> >    everything is integrated. the only variants which are expected to be
> >    safe are developer builds without -prefix and module-by-module builds
> >    with -prefix.
> >
> > catch me on IRC if something breaks for you and no obvious solution
> > seems to help. but remember that not every breakage is due to this
> > branch being integrated. ;)
> Shadow builds on windows are broken:
> <srcbase> = D:/qt5/qtbase
> <outbase> = D:/qt5/build
> The include pathes to <outbase> are broken, they all miss "\qt5\build":
> cl ...
> -I"d:\include"
> -I"d:\include\QtCore"
> -I"\include\QtCore\5.0.0"
> -I"\include\QtCore\5.0.0\QtCore"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\corelib\tmp"
> -I"global"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\zlib"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\pcre"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\harfbuzz\src"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\md5"
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\md4"
> -I"tmp\moc\debug_shared"
> -I"."
> -I"d:\qt5\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010"
> ...
> d:\qt5\qtbase\src\corelib\global\qt_pch.h(58) :
>   fatal error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht
>   geöffnet werden: "qglobal.h": No such file or directory
> Peter
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