On 28/08/2012 12:16, ext Peter Kümmel wrote:
> I've tried to build qtbase
> 1. on Windows 7
> 2. rubenvb's mingw-w64:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/gcc-4.7-release/
> 3. in Windows shell cmd.exe
> 4. as shadow build with ..\qtbase\configure.bat -fast -nomake demos -nomake 
> examples -release
> It copies the headers and starts to build configure.exe but after compiling 
> three files
> it starts to links and complains about missing .o files.
> Have I missed something or is building with mingw in cmd.exe not supported?

This is not your fault, it's the rubenvb release which is broken, as the 
GNU Make tool provided is not properly splitting the file paths. Thus, 
mingw32-make is trying to stat the wrong files and cannot find all the 
files required.

If you're feeling adventurous, I've found that you can do a binary patch 
by simply replacing the pattern 0x003a3b00 with 0x003b3b00 in 
mingw32-make.exe, and it should do the path splitting correctly and find 
the required files.

Note that this is just a work-around, and Ruben will have to correct the 
way he cross-compiles the MinGW tools.

for details.

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