>I'm not sure if we want to go down this route (doxygen), but it seems an 
>option to me.

We have discussed it many times. The management decision has always been to 
proceed with qdoc. I don't feel strongly either way, but if I'm asked I would 
say we should stay with qdoc and just move qdoc gradually toward doxygen.

The qdoc index file was originally meant to allow a customer to link his 
documentation to the Qt documentation, so we generated the Qt documentation 
with qdoc, and as a byproduct, qdoc produced qt.index, which is then loaded 
with the customers sourses when qdoc generates the customer's documentation.

So, functionally, qt.index is like a doxygen tag file, but I don't like the 
implementation, so I think we should add the doxygen tag file functionality to 
qdoc. qdoc already has something called a tag file, but this is for a different 
purpose. I think we might not need it anymore.

Earlier I proposed getting qdoc to output a "target" file, which I suppose is 
the same as the doxygen tag file.


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