Hi everybody,

apart from having fantastic Qt Developer Days in Berlin, we finally managed to 
get the beta2 out last week. Many thanks to all of the people that helped make 
it happen.

The beta2 is a very good milestone towards Qt 5. We now have packages that 
include the full content of what we agreed to ship, including Qt Creator. Also 
our bug numbers are looking ok, with ~50 P0 and P1 bugs left for 5.0.

There are however also a few things left. To be able to now move quickly 
towards the release candidate and the final release, we need to be from now on 
very careful in what we stage. 

First of all I'd like to have a pretty hard API freeze from now on. Anything 
that breaks source or binary compatibility, please add me as a reviewer. If 
there's not a good reason to get them in now, I'll push all such changes to 5.1.

Packaging has been one of the biggest challenges towards getting all our 
previous releases (Alpha, B1 and B2) out. The main reasons were that the 
sources changed underneath the packages, requiring adjustments as we went 
forward, combined with a very long turn around time for package creation. 

The package creation time is currently being addressed, and hopefully we'll 
soon be able to get that time down to around 2-3 hours (from 7-8 currently). In 
addition, I'd like to ask anybody to be careful with changes that might affect 
packaging, and to add me and Iikka as reviewers for changes where you suspect 
that packaging might be impacted

With regards to bug fixing, let's focus on P0 and P1 bugs, and close as many of 
them as possible. But let's simply be realistic. Qt 5.0 will have known bugs. 
But pushing the release back would not change this, as people will always find 
new ones. It is now more important to get Qt 5.0 out to create a stable basis 
for all of us to work upon.

Apart from bug fixing, there are three more items remaining that I'd like to 
address for the RC:

* WebKit library split (WebKit + WebKitWidgets)

This is a binary incompatible change, that has to go in for 5.0. Most of the 
QtWebKit team is working on this, and I have good confidence that the change 
will be and done in some time next week.

* Documentation

While the class level docs are generally speaking pretty ok, we have so far not 
done enough on the high level documentation structure and overviews.

There was/is a large effort ongoing to restructure and modularise our docs in 
the newdocs branch(es) in gerrit. Merging that branch has been delayed to after 
beta 2, but things are starting to look ok there. I believe that we need to 
have this branch merged in to make sure we have up to date docs for Qt 5, as 
the old docs still look very much like 4.x. That merge will most likely happen 
tomorrow or on Wednesday, once we have fixed the infrastructure to generate 
decent looking web pages out of them.

However, there is still significant work still to write many overview 
documents. The team in Oslo will in the next days do an extra effort to create 
these overviews. When reviewing the first set of patches, please do mainly 
review the content, not the form or language. We'll do a second iteration over 
the docs once they are in to fixup any potential style/language issues.

We'll post some more info on this tomorrow, and I'd like to invite everybody to 
have a look at http://community.kde.org/Qt5/Documentation if you want to help.

* Examples and polishing

We currently have way too many examples to be really useful, and many of them 
are not very polished. We will be doing an extra effort to polish these and 
define a good set of examples that should be accessible from our docs and 

In addition, we'll need to do regular package testing and check our snapshots 
from the point of view of our users, to make sure Qt 5.0 has a great out of the 
box experience.

All of this work will need to happen in the next two weeks, as we're aiming at 
having everything ready to start testing RC packages by Nov 30th. It's a pretty 
tight timeline, but if we all work together, I believe we can make it happen.


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