25.01.2013, 03:09, "Jake Thomas Petroules" <jake.petrou...@petroules.com>:
Implementing something like QtDockTile is somewhat odd because the it was developed as a series of plugins with a single QDockTile API. I think the abstraction of these platform features into a single logical API is useful, however I'm not sure we can do that easily with the current QWindowsExtras / QMacExtras / QX11Extras trio. QDockTile as a class would have to go into QtGui to make proper use of that abstraction, but then you have the problem of backporting it to Qt 4. Or you could duplicate the header across all 3 libraries which isn't exactly ideal. I guess the best approach is to just forego having it as a single API and just have a series of individual classes for the functionality of each platform in each of the Q***Extras libraries.
Hi Jake,
QtDockTile is not something we want to bring to Qt, link to it was done only as example of the idea for windows implementation. QWindowsExtras should contain, as I suppose, API for JumpLists, TaskBar Icon and other windows-specific APIs, part of which is implemented as plugin for QtDockTile. By the way API for Unity should be provided by canonical in it's own repositories, as it's already done for indicators.
Ruslan Nigmatullin
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