On 2/25/13 17:12 , Joerg Bornemann wrote:
> On 25/02/2013 16:27, Jake Thomas Petroules wrote:
>> I'd prefer Qt namespace with no platform indicators, i.e.:
>> Qt::toHICON
>> Qt::toHBITMAP
>> Qt::toCGImageRef
>> Qt::toNSString

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but why are these not with 
the class that they convert from?

- conversion operator (or toFoo function if expensive)
- constructor (explicit if expensive)

If it's not an expensive conversion, it should just be:

class QRect
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
     QRect(const CGRect& rect);
     operator CGRect() const;

So that I can write code like this:


Without having to wrap it in QRect::to/from -- or even worse, some sort 
of global namespace for all to/from conversion functions.

tor arne
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