On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Jason McDonald <macadd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> cd ~/dev/qt5
> QT_MODULE_TO_TEST=qtdeclarative qtqa/tests/prebuild/tst_licenses.pl

bash: qtqa/tests/prebuild/tst_licenses.pl: No such file or directory

I will take you meant "QT_MODULE_TO_TEST=qtdeclarative

Yeah, I used this script earlier, but I did not know it is already
integrated into the CI. Couldn't this be integrated into a bot rather than
CI? It would be nice to know even before pressing the staging button. It
does not seem to run long either.

> * It checks the text inside the QT_BEGIN_LICENSE/QT_END_LICENSE
> markers against the reference copies in qtbase/LICENSE.*, so you need
> to have qtbase in your tree with the correct branch checked out as
> well as qtqa and the module you want to check.

Yes, and that is likely the problem for several modules aforementioned
unless they copy those into the qt5. However, that is not a clean solution
either. Perhaps, qtqa should have the license headers stored on its own,
and once there is a need to change it, it is changed there. Then, qtbase
and others should be sync'd to that.

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