IIRC every time you click a mouse area, click related mouse events are
generated in this order: pressed, released, (pressed + released) clicked,
(pressed + released + pressed) double click.
So I think what you get it's okay.

Anyway...  I don't understand what's the problem about defining two
handlers (clicked and DoubleClicked) for the same mouseArea.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Matteo Brichese <mbrich...@came.it> wrote:

> I'm making some more test and this sample:
> Rectangle {
>     width: 1024
>     height: 768
>     color: "blue"
>     MouseArea {
>          anchors.fill: parent;
>          onClicked: console.log("Click")
>          onDoubleClicked: console.log("Double Click")
>     }
> }
> Give me the following:
> On a single click => single click event
> On a double click => single click event + double click event
> Is that the expected behaviour? Why if I double-click my area a single
> click event is passed before the double one?
> Regards.
> ________________________________________
> Da: 
> development-bounces+mbrichese=came...@qt-project.org[development-bounces+mbrichese=
> came...@qt-project.org] per conto di Matteo Brichese [mbrich...@came.it]
> Inviato: lunedì 20 maggio 2013 15.14
> Cc: development@qt-project.org
> Oggetto: Re: [Development] Nested Mousearea don't pass events
> I know that the last mousearea covert the first one, but I was hoping that
> the event will pass if I not handle it.
> However, even if I override the onPressed event on the last mousearea with
> a mouse.accepted = false it doesn't work.
> I need to handle the single click and the double click in two separate
> objects with the same clickable area.
> ---
> Matteo Brichese
> Software Engineer
> mbrich...@came.it
> [Came Cancelli Automatici S.p.A.]<http://www.came.com/>
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> priv...@came.com>.
> ________________________________
> Da: Antonio Aloisio [antonio.aloi...@gmail.com]
> Inviato: lunedì 20 maggio 2013 15.08
> A: Matteo Brichese
> Cc: development@qt-project.org
> Oggetto: Re: [Development] Nested Mousearea don't pass events
> Hi Matteo,
> IIRC the declarative engine creates objects in the order specified by the
> QML file if you do not define any "z" attribute for the objects.
> Hence, in your case, the second MouseArea covers the first one and eats
> every click event.
> If you want to propagate MouseEvents, I guess you have to explicitly
> instruct the topmost area to ignore such events.
> So it should not be a bug.
> Ciao,
> Antonio
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Matteo Brichese <mbrich...@came.it
> <mailto:mbrich...@came.it>> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm having some issue on passing the right event from a
> mousearea to another.
> This is a sample of my code:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> Rectangle {
>     width: 1024
>     height: 768
>     MouseArea {
>          anchors.fill: parent;
>          onClicked: console.log("Click")
>      }
>     MouseArea {
>         anchors.fill: parent;
>         onDoubleClicked: console.log("Double Click")
>     }
> }
> I can only see logs of the double click.
> I was hoping that if I single click the last mousearea the event passed to
> the second one, but it don't work, is that a bug?
> I'm using Qt5.0.2
> Regards
> ---
> Matteo Brichese
> Software Engineer
> mbrich...@came.it<mailto:mbrich...@came.it>
> Came Cancelli Automatici S.p.A.
> www.came.com<http://www.came.com>
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