On 20/05/2013 13:36, Matteo Brichese wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm having some issue on passing the right event from a 
> mousearea to another.
> This is a sample of my code:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> Rectangle {
>      width: 1024
>      height: 768
>      MouseArea {
>           anchors.fill: parent;
>           onClicked: console.log("Click")
>       }
>      MouseArea {
>          anchors.fill: parent;
>          onDoubleClicked: console.log("Double Click")
>      }
> }
> I can only see logs of the double click.
> I was hoping that if I single click the last mousearea the event passed to 
> the second one, but it don't work, is that a bug?
> I'm using Qt5.0.2

You need to set

propagateComposedEvents: true

on the top MouseArea and in the signal handler of the top MouseArea set

mouse.accepted = false

so that it propagates clicks, doubleClicks etc to the underlying 
MouseArea. See




Dr Sean Harmer | sean.har...@kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
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