On 10.09.2013 08:16, Knoll Lars wrote:
> Develop it in a playground project, show why it makes sense and once you have 
> a stable API let's discuss into which module it should go.

An idea I already had when I saw the QUniquePoiner implementation:

Couldn't we add a new branch to dev/stable/release, which is open for very 
experimental code?
Creating a playground project just for one class is too complicated, and most 
people would not give them a try,
but only switching a branch lowers the barrier a lot.

We could base the branch on stable, so it is a good starting point for 
experiments, and
it would be easy to try out these new features without the hassle of checking 
out (multiple) other repositories,
or by cherry-picking stuff.


> Cheers,
> Lars
> From: Konstantin Ritt <ritt...@gmail.com <mailto:ritt...@gmail.com>>
> Date: tirsdag 10. september 2013 00:40
> To: "development@qt-project.org <mailto:development@qt-project.org>" 
> <development@qt-project.org <mailto:development@qt-project.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Development] A QtCore class for event-driven jobs
> 2013/9/9 Sune Vuorela <nos...@vuorela.dk <mailto:nos...@vuorela.dk>>
>     The api has been stabilized and well tested since like forever.
>     Let's get a QAbstractJob heavily inspired by KJob in now.
>     A nice side effect of getting it in now is that the myriad of nice
>     frameworks KDE is preparing for ship could be built on QAbstractJob and
>     KDE could skip shipping KJob and move everything over to QAbstractJob
>     now and not after we in KDE has made our first release where we promise
>     to keep ABI and API stability.
> That's indeed what I was afraid of. Your goal is KJob in Qt 5.2 so you can 
> use it by only linking to QtCore.
> Once released, it's API become frozen up until 6.0...and you don't really 
> care about all others who may disagree with it's design or simply can not use 
> it due to it's limited API and so on.
> All I've seen so far (following by David's links) is a piece of KIO where 
> some API is still hardcoded to be used by KIO. I'd say this is not a 5.2 
> material at all.
> Let us see those nice QProcessJob and/or QThreadJob, that QDBusCallJob...or 
> usable drafts at very least.
> Until then, I'm all in doubts about how useful would that be to the user.
> In example, David said job's doStart() enqueues the runnable in the thread 
> pool; now looking at the code - it seems like we could have then "started()" 
> signal emitted, say, 5 seconds earlier than the runnable gets dequeued and 
> executed. So `for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) (job = 
> someoperation(params))->start();` gives us 100
> "started" jobs where only few of them got dequeued and really started; and 
> thus all other jobs can not report their actual execution state change 
> because they were "started" and become "started", once dequeued by worker 
> thread...weird, isn't it?
> First of all, put the initial implementation to Qt-project as a module.
> Let's then gather such a use-cases and see where the current API is not 
> sufficient, then polish the API to make QJob usable in all those cases; let's 
> write some QJob-s based demonstration framework and polish the API once 
> again, if needed... and only then we'll see if it is good enough for QtCore.
> Kind regards,
> Konstantin
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