On terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013 21:03:24, Stefan Merettig wrote:
> Ah, sorry for that. I'm fine with that for now, the only little
> behaviour I want to add to this is the guarantee, that values
> appear sorted by their key in the same sequence they appear in
> in the code. So it behaves like a QMultiMap.

I'd rather you didn't do that. Just let it be undefined which order they appear 
in and which one indexOf finds. I'd even go so far as to say there's no 
guarantee that they are sequential.

Starting from there, we choose which behaviours we need to define so that the 
feature is useful and usable.

Also note that you're contradicting yourself. If you have code:

        Q_INFO("a", "b") Q_INFO("foo", "bar") Q_INFO("a", "c")
        void func();

Then QMultiMap will move the middle element away. That is, it does not keep 
insertion order of elements with different keys.

So you'll probably have to define that behaviour and choose between one of:
 a) all items are kept in declaration order
 b) all items with same key appear sequentially

What does Q_CLASSINFO do?

> > Ok, understood. That makes sense. Except for argc.
> "argc is overrated" - Noted. I think we figured out everything now.
> I'll start implementing everything in moc first and then do the
> needed changes in the Qt API, except for the meta object builder
> classes for now. Will see when I can get to this, but I'll do it
> before Sunday.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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