On quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013 01:36:18, Samuel Gaist wrote:
> Hi,
> I just started to split a submission in several patches like Stephen Kelly
> taught me.
> There's just one thing I forgot to ask him: how should the patches be
> organized and sent since when broken down (it should be three patches), the
> last one would only apply once the second patch is applied ?
> The first and second part can be separated (so two different submissions)
> since they solve two different but related problems (the second being
> triggered when solving the first).
> Also what would be the best/recommended setup git wise ? Should I make a
> topic branch from my topic branch ?

The easiest is to just git push all three. They will be reviewed 
independently. And you are the person to hit the stage button, so you should 
know which one needs to go in which order.

Now, the problem is when the second or third patch needs to be updated. You 
should avoid updating the first (and second) patch(es) when submitting the 
update, unless you actually want that. To do that, you should check out the 
parent commit and then cherry-pick the new change.

1) open the review page in Gerrit
2) copy the SHA-1 of the latest patch
3) in your shell, right:
        git checkout [paste the SHA-1]~
remember to include the ~ at the end
4)      git cherry-pick [your new commit]
5)      git gpush :stable

or, if you're using my "gerrit-pick" script, you can do it in one command:

        git gp -t stable -b [paste here]~ [your commit]

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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