On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Chris L <hackthegovernm...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Qt Creator could be, with a few fixed bugs the obvious #1 choice ( if it
> isn't already ) for general cross platform c++

Which bugs are those in your oppinion?

> but it seems like the devs ignore non Qt c++ development.

What makes you say that? Are there specific instances where we made
non-Qt C++ use-cases harder?

>From my point of view we do not ignore the no-Qt use-case, but Qt is definitely
the focus. But then a good Qt IDE is also a good C++ IDE.

> I brought up the clang memory model because discussions on the irc channels
> and old blog entries indicate that there was a plan to use clangs memory
> model to support the stl's classes in Qt Creator ( unique_ptr, vector,
> ect... ), once clang's memory model was working correctly, and my question
> is about when to expect this to happen if ever?

Are you talking about the code model here and not the memory model?

Yes, template support is not as good as it should be. That does not
require us to
switch to the clang code model though (our existing one could be
improved as well).

The Clang plugin is part of the upcoming Qt Creator 3.1, but it is
still marked as
experimental there. So it will be disabled by default. It still is
significantly slower than
our current one though.

Any help to improve it is appreciated -- especially testing and the more unusual
the setup you test in the more valuable the results are.

PS: Please move this thread to the Qt Creator mailing list if possible...

Best Regards,
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