I have a QML file called SSS.qml defined as a singleton (via pragma Singleton 
and a corresponding qmldir file) that uses QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0 and it’s 
used in another QML file called XXX.qml. The app runs perfectly as a windows 
desktop application but generates the following message when deployed to 

    module "QtQuick.LocalStorage" plugin "qmllocalstorageplugin" not found

I don’t know if it’s relevant, but there are qmllocalstorageplugin.dll files 
available for windows apps but there’s no qmllocalstorageplugin.so for Android 

When I change SSS.qml to a “regular” (i.e., non-singleton) type and change 
XXX.qml appropriately, the app runs when deployed to Android.

Is this a Qt bug or do I need to something special (e.g., in my .pro file)?


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