On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Nichols Andy <andy.nich...@digia.com> wrote:
> My suggestions for replacement would be either Giulio Camuffo who as been 
> main driver for the QtWayland project this year, or Jorgen Lind who was the 
> previous QtWayland maintainer and who still has a deep interest in the 
> project.

+1 to either, but I have to say I'd lean towards a +2 for Giulio
simply because he is more focused on Wayland, whereas Jørgen has many
other things on his plate already (from what I've seen going around in

Giulio has an extensive knowledge base in the area, and has proven a
real asset in the time he's been working actively on QtWayland &

(No offence intended to Jørgen if my understanding of the situation is
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