I was tracking a bug in Qt for desktop, then tried to test it on iOS but i
cant build Qt 5 for iOS.

I have a valid Apple Account, paid for the license and I can build XCode
and Qt apps for iPad, it works, but not Qt itself, here's my procedure

   1. Git clone qt5
   2. perl init-repository
   3. ./configure -xplatform macx-ios-clang -release -sdk iphoneos
   4. make fails with: http://pastebin.com/eK0Rr1tM

It seems it fails to sign code, but other modules are signed correctly.
Shall i post a bug report? What is your procedure to build succesfully?


Ariel Molina R.

Oficina: +52 (222) 3723196
Movil: +521 2226 758874
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