It's been a while since I compiled for iOS, but I recall having to run in the terminal on the build machine itself. Compiling over ssh did not work because of some signing issue, keystore access or some such was not available in ssh shell.

I'm not sure if you have the same issue or not.

Just my 2 cents,


On 20/05/2015 18:54, Ariel Molina wrote:
I was tracking a bug in Qt for desktop, then tried to test it on iOS but i cant build Qt 5 for iOS.

I have a valid Apple Account, paid for the license and I can build XCode and Qt apps for iPad, it works, but not Qt itself, here's my procedure

 1. Git clone qt5
 2. perl init-repository
 3. ./configure -xplatform macx-ios-clang -release -sdk iphoneos
 4. make fails with:

It seems it fails to sign code, but other modules are signed correctly. Shall i post a bug report? What is your procedure to build succesfully?


Ariel Molina R.

Oficina: +52 (222) 3723196
Movil: +521 2226 758874

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