On 14/08/15 08:25, "Sarajärvi Tony" <tony.saraja...@theqtcompany.com>

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: development-bounces+tony.sarajarvi=theqtcompany.com@qt-
>> project.org [mailto:development-
>> bounces+tony.sarajarvi=theqtcompany....@qt-project.org] On Behalf Of
>> Thiago Macieira
>> Sent: 14. elokuuta 2015 3:40
>> To: development@qt-project.org
>> Subject: [Development] Qt 4.8: disabling the CI and closing for anything
>> except security fixes
>> I recently tried to fix a very simple bug in Qt 4.8 but I can't get the
>> to integrate because the CI seems to have fallen into disrepair.
>> Instead of using valuable QA time in fixing the CI for 4.8, I'd like to
>> instead that we simply disable the CI for that version and close Qt 4.8
>> any submission except security fixes. Gerrit would be configured for
>> merging instead of staging, but that would only be enabled to Gerrit
>> and they'd only do it after confirmation from the security team
>> project.org).
>> Any objections?
>Not from me ;)

Agreed. This sounds like the best way to continue.


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