
It seems that the discussion is mostly completed. Next we’ll create the repos 
according to what was discussed.

The preferred proposal for Qt QML DBus integration was not to have a new repo, 
but a WIP branch in qtdeclarative: qt/qtdeclarative//wip/dbus If this is fine 
also for the author(s), let’s proceed that way.

All others we seemed to agree upon, even though there will certainly be more 
discussions needed on many things – as well as many reviews and iterations. 
Let’s  create these others as proposed and see how these develop.

We’ll anyway need to consider separately when it is the right time to include 
these to Qt releases – for now it is important to get things rolling and have a 
place to push the code.



From: development-bounces+tuukka.turunen=theqtcompany....@qt-project.org 
[mailto:development-bounces+tuukka.turunen=theqtcompany....@qt-project.org] On 
Behalf Of Viironen Kalle
Sent: tiistaina 13. lokakuuta 2015 10.35
To: development@qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] New Qt Modules


We’d like to have a bunch of new modules under qt-project. These are all needed 
in Qt Automotive Suite so let’s try to get this sorted out quickly to get 
things rolling nicely.

New repositories needed are:

  *   qt/qtapplicationmanager, Qt component for application lifecycle management

  *   qt/qtdbusqml, Qt QML DBus integration
  *   qt/qtivi, Qt IVI extensible platform abstraction layer
  *   qt/qtgeniviextras, Qt extras for GENIVI services
  *   qt-apps/qmllive, QmlLive live reloader environment for rapid UI 
  *   qt-apps/neptune-ui, The Neptune Automotive Reference UI
  *   qt-apps/neptune-appstore, The Neptune Reference Application Store Server
Best Regards,

Kalle Viironen

Senior Manager, Device Creation | The Qt Company

The Qt Company / Digia Finland Ltd, Elektroniikkatie 10, 90590 Oulu, Finland

Email: kalle.viiro...@theqtcompany.com<mailto:kalle.viiro...@theqtcompany.com> 
| Mobile: + 358 40 50 10989

www.qt.io<http://www.qt.io> | Qt Blog: http://blog.qt.digia.com/ | Twitter: 
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