Thiago described Qt6 QString as { QArrayData *d; ushort* b; qsize size }.
That is pretty close to QStringView, just extra *d makes it slightly bigger.

This is how I understand this class:
QString will have (typical) case when b points into d. QString own one
reference in d in this case.
QString will have special case when b points to text section and d does not
own anything.
QString will have special case for SSO.

Can QString have special case for not owned, non persistent b pointer
(non-owning / view mode)?

Non-owning QString can be created with special static QString method. It
stays non-owning only while being passed through const &. Code that cares
about keeping QString in view mode, must stick to const QString & all the
time. Copy assignment on non-owning QString results in owning QString - it
triggers deep copy into newly created shared data.

It solves the queued connection problem that existed with QStringView
class. I suppose that queued connection internally performs QString copy.

I have no idea about performance implications for code paths that do not
care about this use case. But having just one string class would be very

Kind regards
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