I wrote:
>> Please allow that,

> I do, of course. Andre didn't. He wrote...

>>> if (blah || boo || foo) {  //no line breaking allowed

> ...with the comment.

I am fairly sure he did in fact mean

  if (somee.really(long.and.complicated, expression) || another.such(that, 
makes, the.line.too.long) || and.then.some.more())

and that he was, at that point, reading the earlier objection as meaning
we wouldn't be allowed to split this line.  I disagree - our coding
style does allow splitting it as

  if (somee.really(long.and.complicated, expression)
      || another.such(that, makes, the.line.too.long)
      || and.then.some.more())

unless I misunderstood a rule I didn't like - but I'm fairly sure he did
mean to use blah, boo and foo as metasyntactic variables.

Please take a little time to read other folks' contributions charitably,
rather than rushing to find fault with them.

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