Op 03/06/2016 om 14:52 schreef Marc Mutz:
On Friday 03 June 2016 14:26:03 André Somers wrote:
Op 03/06/2016 om 13:53 schreef Marc Mutz:
On Friday 03 June 2016 10:05:52 Edward Welbourne wrote:
    if (somee.really(long.and.complicated, expression) ||

makes, the.line.too.long) || and.then.some.more())
To be perfectly blunt: such expressions shouldn't be allowed. Period.
Neither with nor without line breaks. Such monsters should be subjected
to Extract Method with extreme prejudice.

Fine. Lets replace it with something like this then:

if (theValue ==
MyNameSpace::MyLongAndComplicatedClassName::MyClassEnum::TheValue1 ||
theValue ==
MyNameSpace::MyLongAndComplicatedClassName::MyClassEnum::TheValue2 ||
theValue ==
MyNameSpace::MyLongAndComplicatedClassName::MyClassEnum::TheValue3) {

Umm... same thing?

What I'm saying is:

- Multi-line conditions in if statements should *always* be refactored to a
   single function call.

Then we don't need to talk about how to format multi-line ifs at all, because
they do not exist anymore.
Eh... So you move the same to a different method. How does that help? You'd basically get the same expression but then in a method of it's own?


We have the same problem in .pro files: QtC just appends new files, always
creating a patch the churns the old-last line in SOURCES. If it would sort
them in lexicographically, most additions would be one-liners.
I requested this quite a while ago already.

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