Le 16/01/2017 à 10:34, Olivier Goffart a écrit :
What's the use case for this function? For direct call you better of calling
the function directly,  and the equivalent of QueuedConnection can be achieved
with QTimer::singleShot.


AFAIK there is no other way to call a method across threads *and wait for it result* than QMetaObject::invokeMethod() with Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection and Q_RETURN_ARG (apart, of course, making the called method thread-safe).

I would personally be happy if (like Benjamin proposes) there were some compile time check, IDE symbols following/renaming and no longer need to declare such methods as Q_INVOKABLE (or slot). Therefore IMO methods pointers would be great in QMetaObject::invokeMethod() as they are in QObject::connect(). :-)

And maybe lambdas too, if there was a way to choose the thread/eventloop in which we want the lambda to be executed (but christmas was a few weeks ago, I should not dream ;-)).

Also (I still dream), if there was a way to make invokeMethod() automagically choose between a direct call and Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection, it would be possible to get rid of this idiom:
    if (QThread::currentThread() == this->thread())
       foo = func();
       QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "func",

Kind of Qt::DirectOrBlockingQueuedConnection.

Grégoire Barbier :: g à g76r.eu :: +33 6 21 35 73 49
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