Am 08.03.2017 um 21:23 schrieb Jake Petroules:
The general idea is kind of following that of the Gradle wrapper,
where any project that uses the Gradle build system also can include
a standard wrapper script which obtains and bootstraps the build
system itself before building your project, allowing ANY project
based on that build system to be "zero dependencies". git clone & go,
the system figures out the rest as much as it can. If qbs has similar
capabilities like that, including online dependency fetching, I think
a lot of people would appreciate it.

Did you do any user research backing this claim, or is this a plain gut feeling?

I know for a fact that Gradle and it's downloading features actually cause serious problems for some of our customers who sit behind restrictive firewalls and have to use complex proxy setups to reach the Internet. They basically have to circumvent countless company policies just to bootstrap Gradle.

Besides I somehow doubt that it is even remotely reasonable to mimic a
build system that weights 225 MiB in size. Tools should know their task and focus on that. No need for a kitchen sink.


Mathias Hasselmann | | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
Tel: +49-30-521325485 / +49-30-521325470
KDAB - The Qt Experts

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