On Friday December 29 2017 10:38:04 Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:

> Besides, fontconfig with infinality patches
>honestly gives a beautiful rendering, crispier and yet fuller than
>everything you can see on othe OSes in my taste.

I agree completely, except
- I'm not (yet) convinced that the Infinality patches to FreeType are of any 
effect on Mac. Fonts rendered with FreeType look fuzzier than with CoreText, 
which in turn looks fuzzier than fonts rendered with that same FreeType library 
under X11 (XQuartz).
- The stem-darkening change in Qt 5.9 does trigger side-effects with certain 
fonts when using the FontConfig Ultimate patches and/or config files. For now 
I've only found this to be the case for the Novarese font (all versions I have 
of it). Sadly I happen to like that font a lot, including for use in UI 

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