Hi Uwe,

many thanks for your help! :)

Yeah, seems that Qt5 && X11 && 'xcb' backend with the Qwt 6.2 and
does help a bit. The iMX6 CPU usage now is ~50% (instead of previous 100%).

PS: But compilation for latest Qwt version from trunk r2921 fails, please
look on this my post:


чт, 30 авг. 2018 г. в 10:46, Uwe Rathmann <uwe.rathm...@tigertal.de>:

> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 16:43:40 +0300, Denis Shienkov wrote:
> > So, there are no way to improve an acceleration and to minimize the CPU
> > loading?
> It depends on the requirements of your application, but when it comes to
> oscilloscope alike widgets your best choice is Qt4/X11.
> The X11 paint engine is hardware accelerated, it even allows painting
> outside of paint events - what is important for incremental painting.
> ( The fact, that Qt 4.8 prefers using raster with the argument of
> performance it is totally nonsense, when it comes to any sort of vector
> graphics. )
> Furthermore the X11 paint engine simply has a better quality. The sort of
> bugs coming and going with the various Qt versions is a nightmare for any
> sort of graphics framework. Actually my job for today is to find a work
> around for this one: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-70101
> --
> If you need to go with Qt5 I would recommend to use a platform that
> allows for using QOpenGlWidget - X11 again is IMHO not a bad choice.
> Actually one of our terminals is a iMX6, where we do this ( because we
> needed VNC support ).
> Next I recommend Qwt from SVN trunk, where you can simply assign a
> QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas to achieve hardware acceleration. The quality of the
> OpenGL paint engine is not as good as X11 or Raster, but for a
> oscilloscope things usually do not need to be pixel perfect.
> --
> Finally you should not ignore algorithmic options to reduce what has to
> be painted. How to optimize the rendering process is often quite
> individual, but often QwtPlotCurve::FilterPointsAggressive ( since Qwt
> 6.2 ) has a significant effect in oscilloscope alike applications.
> In fact I have been contacted quite often with oscilloscope applications
> struggling with performance issues and often it could be solved on a
> algorithmic level.
> As an inspiration you could also try to run the oscilloscope demo of Qwt
> on your board. You will notice, that it runs with almost no CPU usage
> because it mostly paints incrementally. Of course this only works because
> the design of the user interface is made for this, but maybe you can do
> something similar.
> Uwe
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