That’s exactly why observer_ptr should not* be implemented as alias to a raw 
pointer; the main difference is that constructor from T* is explicit and 
there’s no implicit cast from observer_ptr to unique_ptr, so your example will 
not compile =)

* well, the clang implementation I used forbids implicit cast, not sure how it 
will (if it ever will) be implemented in c++20

> 3 мая 2019 г., в 21:09, Konstantin Ritt <> написал(а):
> Ivan,
> note that observer_ptr is mostly like
> template<typename T>
> using observer_ptr = T*;
> so what about
> layout2->addWidget(layout->addWidget(make_unique<QPushButton>("right")))->setFlat(true);
> ?
> Regards,
> Konstantin

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