Well, my point was: there always should be a trade off. I've never wrote 
that Qt should be slow. I just wanted to point out that understanding of 
performance might be different for different sort of libraries (and for 
different cases).

I hope, you filed a ticket or fixed this problem yourself. This looks 
like a corner case.

On 6/6/19 11:09 AM, Иван Комиссаров wrote:
> I think, your point is wrong. Despite the fact Qt is a GUI toolkit, it should 
> perform well.
> Take a look at Qt Item Views. They really sucks in terms of performance.
> QAbstractItemModel can have any number of rows/columns (that fits in 
> MAX_INT), but which view can really handle that? None of them!
> I had to use a model with 3kk rows in it. Guess what I used to display it? 
> Custom item view.
> AFAIK Qt item views still use vectors internally and simply changing the 
> internal container to an std::deque can (needs profiling, though) improve 
> performance since it stores data in chunks. Imagine prepending a row to a 
> table with 3kk rows... well, good luck reallocating a vector in QHeaderView.
> Иван Комиссаров
> 6 июня 2019 г., в 10:17, Vitaly Fanaskov <vitaly.fanas...@qt.io> написал(а):
>>> As a library implementer, you are simply not _allowed_ the freedom to
>>> use a convenient tool over the most efficient one. That is, to put it
>>> mildly, a disservice to users and a disgrace to the profession of
>>> programmers.
>> Well, optimization is probably good, but not always, I would say. If
>> your app takes 0.001% less memory and works 0.001% faster then before in
>> some certain configurations... Well, it's probably worthless, unless
>> you've improved google search engine or something like that.
>> Qt is GUI framework. Not only, yes, but this is the main purpose. +/-
>> 10MB is almost nothing for GUI apps. Slightly faster lookup/insertions,
>> cache line, proper alignment... Well, nice to have, but when an app
>> spends most of the time on rendering something, it doesn't matter.
>> Highly unlikely will it be a bottle neck.
>> The thing is, that we should keep in mind what kind of library Qt is.
>> And also on what devices it runs.
>> I would rather have readable code than tiny bit optimized code, but much
>> less readable. Simple and readable code => easy to maintain => easy to
>> extend => easy to add new features. If you app is something for
>> high-frequency trading or should run on devices with super limited
>> resources, just don't use Qt containers. It's not appropriate tool for
>> these cases.
>> I don't want to encourage people to write, for example, O(n^2) code
>> instead of O(n). But if you want to "improve" something which is working
>> more or less acceptable... Probably you should put your effort on
>> something else.
>>> On 6/6/19 9:05 AM, Mutz, Marc via Development wrote:
>>>> On 2019-06-06 08:24, Joerg Bornemann wrote:
>>>>> On 6/5/19 5:49 PM, Mutz, Marc via Development wrote:
>>>>> As a library implementer, you are simply not _allowed_ the freedom to
>>>>> use a convenient tool over the most efficient one. That is, to put it
>>>>> mildly, a disservice to users and a disgrace to the profession of
>>>>> programmers. 8KiB just to look up a pointer in a map of {string, int}?
>>>>> That's 1/4th of the icache size of many processors!
>>>> [...]
>>>> While I agree with this in general... every time we use a sorted vector
>>>> as a dictionary replacement we're scattering implementation details all
>>>> over the place, creating code that's much harder to read and easier to
>>>> make mistakes in (*).
>>>> Maybe it's time for a general purpose dictionary class based on a sorted
>>>> vector?
>>> FTR: More of the same:
>>> https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/264128 and
>>> https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/264129
>>> I very strongly object to the notion that a find_if or lower_bound is
>>> harder to read. More code does _not_ equate to less readable, as Qt
>>> over and over has shown. There are different patterns involved than in
>>> using Qt containers, sure, and by all means, if find_if frightens you,
>>> then use a raw for loop, but this stuff is not rocket science. And
>>> depending on how you define 'mistakes', it's just as easy to make a
>>> mistake by forgetting qAsConst() on a Qt container than it is to, say,
>>> combine iterators from different containers.
>>> As for QSortedVector/QFlatMap. There's a reason there's none in the
>>> std, yet, and it has to do with when to sort. In one of the patches
>>> above, we don't need to sort at all, because there're only ever O(10)
>>> elements in there. Sorting, as performed by a QFlatMap would be
>>> overkill there. In another, we don't even store the key, as it's equal
>>> to the position of the element in the array. Sorting the key would be
>>> nonsense. Oftem, you populate the data structure once and then only
>>> perform lookups. In that case, a QFlatMap would waste time sorting
>>> while you don't need it. So, yes, by all means, let's have a QFlatMap,
>>> but it would just be another over-complicated container that people
>>> misuse. Let's, as a community, learn how to use a raw vector (or
>>> array) first, then introduce convenience.
>>> Don't pick a container by it's API. Pick it by how you use it. No-one
>>> would use a RB tree for O(10) items if he had to implement it himself.
>>> You wouldn't even implement one for O(1M) elements if insertions in
>>> the middle are very infrequent. You are CS engineers. What would Knuth
>>> say if he caught you using a RB tree with a static maximum of 10
>>> entries? There's a reason for this. It's horribly slow, and only used
>>> because in very limited circumstances, evenry other container is
>>> _even_ slower. It's a very, very, complex beast. Just because the
>>> compiler writes it for you at nothing more than a mention of
>>> QMap<T,V>, doesn't mean it's less complex. And that complexity doesn't
>>> go away just because you wrap it in a nice API: the compiler has a
>>> hard time with it, and so does the CPU, as evidenced by the O(KiB)
>>> savings involved in each replacement of a QMap with a vector. Let's
>>> also not forget the memory overhead: a QMap<int, int> uses at least 24
>>> bytes of of storage per element. Plus allocation overhead. Some
>>> platforms (Windows? At some point at least?) didn't hand out heap in
>>> less than 64 bytes. That's 64 bytes of memory for 8 bytes of payload.
>>> A vector uses exactly 8. So a map uses anywhere between 3x and 8x more
>>> memory.
>>> Just ask yourself: if you didn't have QMap/std::map or the hashed
>>> versions, what data structure would you use? If the answer _actually_
>>> is "a RB tree (because I really need to insert and remove and lookup
>>> roughly the same number of times", then fine, go use QMap. If it
>>> _actually_ is "a hash table", then consider QHash/unorderd_map. Or
>>> maybe an Open Addressing hash table would be better? BTW: with vector,
>>> you can even implement a Heap (std::make/push/pop_heap).
>>> There's no replacement for thinking here. There's no data structure
>>> that will work best in all cases.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Marc
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>> -- 
>> Best Regards,
>> Fanaskov Vitaly
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> The Qt Company / Qt Quick and Widgets Team
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Best Regards,

Fanaskov Vitaly
Senior Software Engineer

The Qt Company / Qt Quick and Widgets Team

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