No problem :)

Though I can't help but wonder what is the magical ingredient in build
systems that has the power to generate such vigorous debates over the


On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 3:12 PM Christian Gagneraud <>

> On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 00:27, Christian Gagneraud <>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 at 23:06, Jean-Michaël Celerier
> > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > The world is not spinning around Qt, sorry for the bad news.
> > >
> > > On that we agree :
> > > I mean, I had actual CMake classes with a CMake exam on paper 6 years
> ago at the university -- you get a few hundreds of new devs on the job
> market every year out of that one, who *will* know CMake, and won't know
> qmake / qbs / [...].
> >
> > Are you insulting this mailing list?
> > How do you think we made it so far without cmake? Honestly?
> >
> > The very fact you're discussing qmake and qbs just show that you know
> > about them, and that you know what they provide cmake cannot provide
> > (yet).
> >
> > > > I prefer a transparent self-bootstrapped Qt over an explicit two
> stages one.
> > > I (entirely personnally) really do not, - this is anecdotally one of
> the main objections I've heard about Qt (3k questions just about Qt's
> configure in SO !
> : not just answering to a standard cmake && make && make install which
> comes with gui discoverability through cmake-gui, embeddability through
> add_subdirectory or C++ package managers such as conan, vcpkg, hunter, etc
> etc. but instead acting like its own microcosm library where you have to
> learn yet another set of commands & invocations if you want to integrate it
> in your existing system.
> >
> > Woah, you're ass is so shinny i can't see the light.
> Hi Jean-Michaël,
> I would like to apologise about that one, frustration got me in.
> That wasn't smart from me, I do respect everyone, even when I disagree
> with them.
> I didn't mean to insult you, please forgive me, that was a stupid
> behaviour.
> Chris
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