On 27/06/2019 21:02, Thiago Macieira wrote:
On Thursday, 27 June 2019 01:07:45 PDT Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:
Please also keep in mind that a fair number of developers use the same
tool-chain (qdoc, assistant, QtHelp) to generate their own documentation
- this means that assistant gets redistributed.
Ah, but this is an issue: assistant. See the thread about co-installability of Qt 5 and Qt 6: is assistant as a standalone application still required? You're saying it is.

It is a documented feature that you "can use /Qt Assistant/ as the help viewer in your applications" (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtassistant-index.html). There are commercial applications and open source applications relying on this for *user documenation*. The use of Qt Help tools outside Qt became fairly evident not so long ago when in Qt 5.12.0 a) qcollectiongenerator was (temporarily) removed in Qt 5.12.0, and b) Qt Assistant (temporarily) lost it is ability to show documentation from read-only locations (QTBUG-72174).

For applications other than Qt Creator, increasing the size of Qt Assistant binaries might have a more significant effect. In the MinGW x64 build of my application, Qt Assistant (QTextBrowser), Qt5Help, Qt5Sql and the sqlite plugin account for app. 2.1 MB out of 54 MB binary files. Since the app is working with geospatial raster and vector data, also RAM is an issue for some users.

I would certainly appreciate improved HTML/CSS support in QTextBrowser (or a replacement). But I do not want to pull in the equivalent of a web browser with networking and javascript just for the purpose of displaying and printing static offline docs from the file system. Let alone the possibility to build for MinGW.


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