On 20/01/29 04:02, Volker Hilsheimer wrote:

> I wonder where all this love for the Qt installer comes from. I personally 
> consider “sudo apt-get install -y qtcreator” or “brew install qt-creator” or 
> “choco install qtcreator" to be vastly superior to using the installer UI, 
> and very easily integrated in VM provisioning. Any energy spent on making 
> sure that the versions we get from those package repos is up-to-date would be 
> worth a lot more (to me) than building another installer.

Being one of the maintainers in the options above, a huge *thank you* for that.
It really feels well :-)

P.S.: I've always wanted to produce Qt backports for Debian stable, but
time/need to get a paycheck doesn't currently allows it (it needs to be pseudo
official, can't go into Debian's backports for $reasons).
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