-1 for QList. Why reuse and prioritize a name that has been tainted by plenty 
of past discussions and comes with a lot of past baggage? Any Google etc. 
search will bring up plenty of "QList-bad QVector-good" materials for years to 
come, potentially leading to lots of Qt 5 vs Qt 6 confusion. Also, Qt 5.x is 
not going to disappear overnight.

The current status quo of QList being an alias to QVector in Qt 6, with QVector 
being the primary and recommended name, is pretty good IMHO, it is not clear to 
me why this would need any further changes. An additional search & replace 
(QList->QVector) round in the public headers does not sound like a bad idea at 

Best regards,

From: Development <development-boun...@qt-project.org> on behalf of Jaroslaw 
Kobus <jaroslaw.ko...@qt.io>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:20 AM
To: Lars Knoll <lars.kn...@qt.io>; Simon Hausmann <simon.hausm...@qt.io>
Cc: Qt development mailing list <development@qt-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Development] Proposal: Deprecate QVector in Qt 6

+1 for QList.

(6) No need to remane QStringList into QStringVector for consistency reasons.


From: Development <development-boun...@qt-project.org> on behalf of Lars Knoll 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:53 AM
To: Simon Hausmann
Cc: Qt development mailing list
Subject: Re: [Development] Proposal: Deprecate QVector in Qt 6

I’ve had similar thoughts lately as well. I can see a few more reasons to keep 
QList as the name of the class:

(3) Less ambiguity with QVector(2/3/4)D
(4) QList is the known type and the one promoted in our API so far, so no need 
for people to re-learn Qt
(5) a lot less code churn for us and our users

So I’m in favour of doing this and keeping QList as the name for the class.


On 23 Apr 2020, at 09:43, Simon Hausmann 
<simon.hausm...@qt.io<mailto:simon.hausm...@qt.io>> wrote:


In dev we've had QVector being an alias for QList for a while now. For the 6.0 
release this particular topic (QList/QVector) suggests two goals (among others):

    (1) Use the same type throughout the public API of Qt.

    (2) Make it easy for our users to maintain a code base that works with Qt 5 
and 6.

In the light of those two goals, I think we should keep using QList as the type 
in the public API. I don't think we should do a search and replace activity and 
switch to QVector. In the light of that, I would like to propose simply 
deprecating QVector and stick to QList everywhere.

What do you think?

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