On 4/23/20 15:52, Thiago Macieira wrote:


     template <typename T> using QVector = QList<T>; // mark deprecated
     template <typename T> class QList { $(implementation to be moved); }

Proposal 2:

     template <typename T> class QList { $(implementation to be moved); }
     template <typename T> using QVector = QList<T>;

no deprecation.

+1 for proposal 2.

Alternatively, proposal 3 (aka "do almost nothing"):
    template <typename T> class QVector { implementation }
    template <typename T> using QList = QVector<T>;

No deprecation of QVector.
No replacement of QList with QVector in our API.

Rationale: QList is our default sequential container, and in Qt6 we just change its implementation.

The "people have been told many times to not use QList" argument can be countered with "this has been fixed in Qt6".

The "vector is a silly name from a mathematical standpoint" argument is valid, but vector is an established term in C++ world. Sorry, that ship has sailed.


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