Il 03/11/20 05:34, Jason McDonald ha scritto:
Currently, there are 1175 open P1 issues in the QTBUG project.  583 of those issues had that priority set more than one year ago, 342 of those had their priority set more than two years ago, and 175 of those more than three years ago.

If an issue is not important enough to get attention within a year, is it really P1?

The priorities used to be related to the _technical_ importance of a task: f.i. a regression or a crash is a P1.

That, unfortunately, has nothing to do with the political will of

1) actually working on fixes for P1 before P2/P3/new features/whatever

2) actually blocking a release if P1s are not solved (and if they aren't, comment on them as of why they're missing a release)

... resulting in users complaining about "high priority bugs get ignored".

So, sure, there may be issues that are wrongly classified as P1, but saying "it's not a P1 because it's not been fixed for a while" doesn't match what P1 used to mean.

If you want to change priorities so that they become a "this issue should get urgent attention, this other not so much", then it becomes a completely arbitrary decision; you could just drop the field entirely as far as I'm concerned.

My 2 c,
Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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