> On 13 Jan 2021, at 14:17, Dominik Holland <dominik.holl...@qt.io> wrote:
> Am 1/13/21 um 1:19 PM schrieb Allan Sandfeld Jensen:
>> On Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2021 13:07:00 CET NIkolai Marchenko wrote:
>>> that's ... kinda what you're supposed to avoid... at least as far as I
>>> understand the convo earlier. so that two major versions aren't pushed to
>>> the same repo confusing people.
>> I don't see any problems with that. It is how all the other modules are used.
>> 'Allan
> Why not create a qt6 super repo, which host qt6 for now and just create
> a alias qt.git which always points to the latest qt release.
> Later this could point to a qt7 release. I guess we don't want to go
> back to a monorepo, but we never know, so this would atleast help to not
> block this road...
> Dominik

Let me make a more radical proposal:

The information about which modules depend on which others modules lives in 
each module’s dependency.yaml file. This information includes the sha1 of the 
modules it has last been successfully tested against.

This information is (inconsistently) duplicated in .gitmodules. So proposal:

* stop using git submodules

Using them serves no real purposes anymore. We anyway have our own scripting in 
form of init-repository to avoid that people have to deal with that stuff.

Note that the cmake top level build system is already operating on the data in 
dependency.yaml to figure out the order in which things need to get configured. 
It doesn’t care about .gitmodules.

That cmake tooling also knows how to fetch the dependencies needed (see 
This can in theory (and in practice; that’s what I’m using) replace the 
init-repository script to some degree (commit hooks and other gerrit 
shenanigans require some extra love, I suppose).

The main problem I see with us using git submodules is that it makes it a royal 
mess to work with git worktrees. I have separate worktrees for all modules (ie 

$ git worktree add ~/qt/dev/qtbase dev
$ git worktree add ~/qt/6.0/qtbase 6.0
$ git worktree add ~/qt/515/qtbase 5.15

repeat for most other modules), which makes it easy to work on several 
branches, test changes in several branches, and cherry-pick changes across. I 
can’t use (or at least there is no point in using) git submodules.

* move the top level build system files into a dedicated repo

That dedicated repo has branches for different Qt versions, nothing special 
about it. We shall perhaps not call it “Qt Build System” :P

The super-module, if we want to have it at all, can then be just the single 
.gitmodules file. It might be relevant for the release team, and for those of 
us who prefer to work with git submodules for… reasons. Ok, so I’m not a fan of 
git submodules. Either way, it avoids the mixing “real code” (like build system 
and coin configs) and submodule updates in the same repository, which has 
historically caused an unfortunate entanglement of unrelated things.

The workflow with such a setup would not be fundamentally different from today. 
You clone one thing (build system repo instead of qt5.git), you run a script 
and tell the script what you want to work on to get all the things you need. 
You build Qt more or less as before; the configure script lives in the build 
system repo rather than in some Qt super module clone. The file system 
structure will be a bit different.


* no (inconsistently) duplicate information in .gitmodules vs dependency.yaml 
* cloning and building are based on the same information (dependency.yaml files)
* easier to work with multiple worktrees
* any Qt add-on module (which can live on any repository server) can be treated 
the exact same way as the default modules. Put a dependency.yaml file into your 
add-on repo, and you’re done

Fringe benefits for git submodule dislikers:
* git status from git submodules being changed won’t make things light up in 
* no need to deal with git submodules at all


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