> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason H <jh...@gmx.com> 
> Subject: Re: RE: [Development] Changes to Freenode's IRC
> > Can we agree to keep the bashing out of this channel?
> You raise important questions. First, what is "bashing", and where is it 
> appropriate? Or, as I see my behavior, where is being critical of Digia 
> appropriate?

I see you're quite interested in continuing discussing the LTS change, and Qt 
6.0. Anyhow, I don't think there's much more to say for now.  So, my wish is 
just that we keep discussions on topic. Furthermore, I hope that you, when you 
notice things like ads being shown on doc.qt.io, bring them forward with some 
goodwill regarding the people who are responsible for this.

Thanks for considering,


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