You basically want top flatten a tree model into a list (or table) model, and 
then remove the rows that have children, and then sort the list. Note that 
sorting such a list of leafs would be different from how QSFPM works today, 
where it sorts the children of each parent node locally, without taking 
grandchildren or siblings into account. If the model was converted to a flat 
list, all the leafs would have to be sorted together. I, at least, would be 
very uneasy about changing QSFPM this way.

IMHO, a think flattening a tree model into a table / list model is better done 
in a separate proxy model (*). And then your app could just wrap this model 
inside a QSFPM.

(*) We do in fact have such a proxy model in QML today; 
qtdeclarative/src/qmlmodels/qqmltreemodeltotablemodel.cpp, used by TreeView. It 
could perhaps have been made public, if this is need is found to be common 


> On 20 Sep 2023, at 20:31, László Papp <> wrote:
> Yes, I have tried that, thanks.
> bool TableProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,
>                                        const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
> {
>   QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
>   CustomModelItem* item = 
> static_cast<CustomModelItem*>(index.internalPointer());
>   return !item->childCount();
> }
> The problem is the property. It is mixing two different things, so it does 
> not suffice when one only needs one of those.
> If you filter without recursiveFilteringEnabled enabled (default, false), 
> then it will only filter through the root node(s). So, you would not be able 
> to filter in the children.
> If you set recursiveFilteringEnabled to true, then it will filter through the 
> children, but then it will also include the parents of those children.
> So, what we need is being able to filter through children (i.e. recursive 
> filtering), but without showing the parents.
> Does that make sense?
> -- 
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