Hi Volker,

Thanks for the update on the Qt Contributors Summit. It's great to hear about the initiatives to make the contribution process smoother, especially for newcomers.

However, while setting up a Gerrit group for hand-holding new contributors is a step in the right direction, I believe we might be missing a crucial point. The core issue isn't just about guiding new contributors through the existing process; it's about the inherent complexity and user-unfriendliness of the current workflow.

From installing a plethora of tools to dealing with the confusing repo cloning process, Perl dependencies and Perl path issues <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3586205/166160892-461dbcb0-81c2-4ca4-8a66-d11aaa2c2bbb.png>,  the barriers to entry are high. Then, there's the challenge of navigating the Gerrit setup, which is far from straightforward. The documentation is inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, adding to the confusion. And that's before even getting into the complexities of submitting patches and managing code reviews. If you want I can send you my personal notes, that I have written down recently while setting up Qt locally for the first time in years. Most of it is about my frustration why a solved problem, like contributing to an open source project, is so unnecessary complicated.

In essence, the current workflow is daunting, even with a support group. I suggest we consider moving towards a more streamlined and "sane" workflow. Simplifying the entire contribution process from the ground up will make Qt more accessible to everyone. Once a more intuitive and welcoming workflow is establish, guiding new contributors will be much more effective. *After all, the best hand-holding is the one you don't need because the path is clear and easy to follow. *

It might be worth considering a migration to GitLab, which has been a successful move for other open-source projects like KDE and Arch. Given that Qt already uses an internal GitLab instance, this could be a good platform for future collaboration. Alternatively, adopting Gitea, as used by the Blender Foundation, could also be a viable option if Gitlab licensing is a no-go.

I strongly believe the focus should be on overhauling the workflow first. Everything else, including smoother onboarding of new contributors, will naturally follow.

There was also an discussion about this recently on Reddit. <https://www.reddit.com/r/QtFramework/comments/17jnbsr/have_you_ever_tried_to_contribute_to_qt_directly/>



On 12/5/2023 9:57 AM, Volker Hilsheimer via Development wrote:
At the Qt Contributors Summit in Berlin last week, we discussed various ideas 
around improving the contribution experience, esp for new people.

One action that came out of that was setting up a gerrit group of people that are 
able and willing to hand-hold new contributors through the process. This includes 
setting up your local development environment, gerrit configuration and workflow, 
and finding out what to work on from e.g. Jira. The basic idea is that we establish 
a (gerrit, probably) group with buddies; we can already identify “first gerrit 
reviews" for a new user, and then we can proactively reach out with a welcome 
message, and add the group of buddies as a reviewer.

A few people raised their hand at the event, but I don’t think anyone took down 
the names, and I was busy juggling microphones. And either way, this is of 
course open to anyone! So please reply to this, either to all or privately to 
me, if you want to be part of that group.

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