On Friday, 8 December 2023 07:22:30 PST Dominik Holland via Development wrote:
> Although not part of qt5.git the interface framework is part of Qt DCE
> for quite some time already and also used by customers. From a
> qt-project standpoint that module doesn't exist and is not part of
> source/binary compatibility promises, but what's our standpoint for qt
> commercial customers ?

I think that question, as asked, is irrelevant. Why does anyone care what a 
module is called? We can freely move libraries between modules. They are just 
a packaging artefact. At worst, changing them breaks some build scripts. 
Should be a 10-minute job to fix it, assuming everyone isn't simply getting the 
fix from the Yocto Project.

API and library names, on the other hand, are more important. Any code 
imported into the Qt Project needs to b reviewed, though the fact it may come 
with existing users may inform us in how much breakage we/they are willing to 

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Cloud Software Architect - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering

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