On 30 Mar 2001, at 17:13, Gordon Rowell wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 12:21:11PM -0500, Dean Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote: > [...] > > I do like the idea of disabling obtuse smtp though.
> I would prefer to properly fix the problem. We lose some important
> features by going back to qmail-smtpd (see my reply to Darrell May in
> this thread).

I read your reply to Darrell and you make some good points... While 
going back to qmail-smtpd may fix my problem in the short term, it 
does not fix the underlying issue with obtuse-smtpd. And as you 
stated, it's not just an issue of switching which daemon I use, I 
also have to stop using the smtp_rules_check and go back to 
maintaining rcpthosts. Not a big deal in itself, but I liked having 
everything in one place.  

Then there is the issue of upgrading in the future... I honestly had 
not thought of this (I had blinders on and was focusing only on the 
issue here an now) If reverting back to qmail-smtpd (and it's various 
configuration files) prevents me from upgrading properly, or causes 
me to jump through hoops to get the upgrade to take, then it defeats 
the whole purpose of switching to and registering my e-smith servers 
in the first place. 

Besides this issue is the only thing stoping me from moving my 
highest volume mail server to e-smith. I believe that once this is 
fixed I can finally make the switch. 

> > I know that obtuse was chossen as the smtp daemon over qmail-smtpd 
> > because of a licencing issue, but are there any other advantages to
> > obtuse-smtpd over qmail-smtpd? The reason I ask, is am I going to
> > run in to problems later, if I decide to setup some sort of
> > anti-virus checking?
> You will be moving away from a standard/supported e-smith
> configuration, and that will cause serious issues for upgrades in the
> future.

As I state above, I had not thought of this issue, and it would be a 
big problem down the road.

Thanks Gordon, I willing to keep working with you to test a new 
obtuse-smtpd package. Just let me know when one is ready.


Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2379 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733-0000 ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

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