Hi Cary,

Checked out your Twig demo and it looks AWESOME!  Great work!  I do hope you
will be able to find the time to create a 'How To' document outlining the
installation and set up steps required to get TWIG up and running under



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cary Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2001 7:48 PM
> To: Charlie Brady
> Subject: Re: [e-smith-devinfo] mysql admin password
> okie dokie
> get to your command line by doing the "alt-F2" and login as root.
> kill mysqld and start it as /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables
> type mysql you get the mysql prompt "mysql>" type in
> update mysql.user set password=PASSWORD('whatever you want') where
> user='root';
> hit enter type quit and you are done. you can then either 
> restart  mysql
> from
> /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S90mysql restart
> or just type reload at the mysql prompt.
> There are other ways also but this one worked for me and since I don't
> really know mysql I left it at that.
> On the Twig part, I have it installed now and I must say it 
> is far and away
> a better system for any company than imp as it has built in calendars,
> contacts, email, todo lists, and a slew of other things, most 
> of which I
> haven't looked at yet as I only heard of it this afternoon 
> and most of the
> day was taking looking for a root password hack.  If you wish 
> to have a look
> at it running on a beta2 box, I setup a demo user on this system.
> username:demo
> password:demo
> on one final note, is there a way to manually run  the 
> dynamic dns scripts?
> would it be possible for say a button to be included in the 
> web admin part
> or just know where the actual script runs from?
> --
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